27 January 2017

Unable to locate 'linkxlC' utility in path

$ adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack
                     Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
                        Redwood Shores, California, USA
                        Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
                                 Version 12.0.0
                      adcfgclone Version 120.31.12010000.8
Enter the APPS password :
no linkxlC in /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre/bin /usr/bin /etc /usr/sbin /usr/ucb /home/oradev/bin /usr/bin/X11 /sbin /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/bin .
Checking for make...    found - /usr/bin/make
 Checking for ld...     found - /usr/bin/ld
 Checking for linkxlC...
 Unable to locate 'linkxlC' utility in path
 Checking for ar...     found - /usr/bin/ar
 Unable to locate all utilities with system path.
 PATH = /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/oradev/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:/u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/bin:.

WARNING: Could not find all the required OS utilities in the $PATH. Please review the checks above

Solution :-

$ which linkxlC
$ export PATH=/usr/vacpp/bin:$PATH
$ adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack
                     Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
                        Redwood Shores, California, USA
                        Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
                                 Version 12.0.0
                      adcfgclone Version 120.31.12010000.8
Enter the APPS password :
/u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -cp /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/jlib/java:/u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/jlib/xmlparserv2.jar:/u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/jlib/ojdbc5.jar oracle.apps.ad.context.CloneContext -e /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/../context/db/CTXORIG.xml -validate -pairsfile /tmp/adpairsfile_44171378.lst -stage /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone -dbTechStack 2> /tmp/adcfgclone_44171378.err; echo $? > /tmp/adcfgclone_44171378.res
Log file located at /u01/oradev/fmsdevdb/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/CloneContext_0127105900.log
Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file.
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [fmdevdb] :

26 January 2017

REP-50125: Caught exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

When submitting concurrent requests they run for a very long time will not compete You are forced to kill the request.

Error: -

$ rwdiag.sh -findAll
Environment:Environment java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find library rwu  (librwu.a or .so) in sun.boot.library.path or java.library.path
Environment:getEnvironmentStrings java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find library rwu  (librwu.a or .so) in sun.boot.library.path or java.library.path
oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0

Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address =
Channel port    = 14021

REP-50503 No server found in the network

$ rwrun help=yes
JVMCI200 - ERROR: User register saving is not enabled, Garbage Collection could be incorrect.
JVMCI200 - ERROR: because of this the JVM library is explicitly aborting the process
JVMCI200 - ERROR: You must either rebuild the executable using "-bM:UR"
JVMCI200 - ERROR: or run with "export LDR_CNTRL=USERREGS"
IOT/Abort trap(coredump)

$ $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/bin/appsrwrun.sh userid=apps/apps mode=character report=$FND_TOP/reports/US/FNDSCURS.rdf batch=yes destype=file desname=./ddr2.out desformat=$FND_TOP/reports/HPL pagesize=132x66 traceopts=trace_all tracefile=ddr2.trc tracemode=trace_replace
Environment:Environment java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find library rwu  (librwu.a or .so) in sun.boot.library.path or java.library.path
Environment:getEnvironmentStrings java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find library rwu  (librwu.a or .so) in sun.boot.library.path or java.library.path
REP-50125: Caught exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

Solution :

1. Take a backup and remove rwnetwork.conf from $ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf

  $ mv rwnetwork.conf rwnetwork.conf_orig

 2. Stop/restart Applications tier.

 3. You need to ensure rwnetwork.conf is created on its own. As rwnetwork.conf is removed , the system should generate new file automatically after the reports are run.

 4.Reproduce the issue and check the following commands work fine to ensure the issue is resolved.
 a) rwdiag.sh -findAll
 b) rwrun help=yes
 c) $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/bin/appsrwrun.sh userid=apps/apps mode=character report=$FND_TOP/reports/US/FNDSCURS.rdf batch=yes destype=file   desname=./ddr2.out desformat=$FND_TOP/reports/HPL pagesize=132x66 traceopts=trace_all tracefile=ddr2.trc tracemode=trace_replace

 5.Run the Concurrent Request

Reference : Concurrent Processing - R12 Concurrent Requests Run Forever, rwrun Errors with REP-50125 (Doc ID 737445.1)

If not resolved Follow below steps.

2. Relink the reports executables:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib32
make -f ins_reports.mk install

Reference : Concurrent Reports UnsatisfiedLinkError (Doc ID 849369.1)

24 January 2017

R12 Error 'Function not available to this responsibility' When Trying to Access Custom Form

R12 Error 'Function not available to this responsibility' When Trying to Access Custom Form

The issue is caused by the following setup:

Missing entry for CUSTOM_TOP under default.env file

Ideally in such cases,CUSTOM_TOP should be defined under default.env in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory to have your custom form work with R12.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Login to server with APPLMGR manager user access.

2. Go to $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory.

3. Ensure that your CUSTOM_TOP 's are registered in the default.env file.

This means that, you should create an entry for environment variable CUSTOM_TOP (which contains physical path to your custom directory) like below in default.env file present under location $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server directory.

For Example:


4. Restart the middle tier services.

5. Retest the issue.

Reference : R12 Error 'Function not available to this responsibility' When Trying to Access Custom Form. (Doc ID 553014.1)